Dryburgh Abbey | Melrose | Scotland | Royaume Uni

Dryburgh Abbey

Attraction | Melrose | Scotland | Royaume Uni

L'abbaye de Dryburgh est une impressionnante ruine de monastère située sur les rives de la rivière Tweed, dans les Scottish Borders, près de la ville de Melrose. Le monastère a été fondé en 1150 par Hugh de Moreville, alors connétable d'Écosse et seigneur de Lauderdale. Il a invité les chanoines prémontrés de l'abbaye d'Alnwick en Angleterre à s'installer dans ce cadre idyllique.


Malgré sa situation paisible, l'abbaye n'a pas été épargnée par les conflits. En 1322, elle a été incendiée par les troupes d'Édouard II après avoir entendu les cloches de l'abbaye sonner lors de leur retraite. D'autres destructions ont suivi en 1385 par l'armée de Richard II. Malgré ces revers, l'abbaye a connu une période florissante au 15ème siècle. Cependant, avec la Réforme protestante de 1560, la vie monastique a pris fin et il ne restait plus que deux moines en vie d'ici 1584.

Architecture et site

Les ruines de l'abbaye de Dryburgh sont un exemple remarquable d'architecture gothique en Écosse. Les transepts en grès rose chaud qui flanquent le chœur sont particulièrement remarquables. Le cloître offre encore aujourd'hui une atmosphère de tranquillité et de calme. Un point culminant est la salle du chapitre du 13ème siècle, dont le plâtre peint et l'acoustique exceptionnelle sont encore intacts. D'autres structures remarquables comprennent le réfectoire et le dortoir dans l'aile est du site.

Histoire ultérieure et importance

En 1786, David Erskine, 11ème comte de Buchan, a acheté le terrain de l'abbaye. Il s'est efforcé de préserver les ruines et a aménagé des jardins formels autour de l'abbaye. De plus, il a fait ériger un obélisque au sud de l'abbaye pour commémorer sa fondation par Hugh de Moreville.

L'abbaye est devenue le lieu de sépulture de personnalités importantes, telles que Sir Walter Scott, célèbre écrivain écossais, et Douglas Haig, un important maréchal britannique de la Première Guerre mondiale.

Aujourd'hui, les ruines de l'abbaye de Dryburgh sont un endroit de réflexion et un témoignage de l'histoire mouvementée de l'Écosse. Les structures conservées et l'emplacement idyllique sur la rivière Tweed en font une destination fascinante pour les amateurs d'histoire et de nature.
Dryburgh Abbey Melrose




Saint Boswells
TD6 0RQ Melrose

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:00 - 16:00
Lundi10:00 - 16:00
Mardi10:00 - 16:00
Mercredi10:00 - 16:00
Jeudi10:00 - 16:00
Vendredi10:00 - 16:00
Samedi10:00 - 16:00


582 Avis

Jason Champion

Beautiful and peaceful with a little gift shop and coffee machine. Guy behind counter was very pleasant and helpful, toilets on site and heated.
Alexis Shillinglaw (Highland Seamstress)

Had such a wonderful welcome by staff. Cosy & warm in all rooms. The hotel had such beautiful rooms & all of our meals were first class as well as service. The grounds were lovely for a walk and beautiful abbey next door. Couldn't have wished for a better time. We stayed Christmas Eve for 3 nights. Could definitely highly recommend this Hotel.
Abhishek Agrawal

Dryburgh Abbey is a peaceful and picturesque spot, set in a beautiful location by the River Tweed. The ruins themselves are quite impressive, with some notable architectural details that showcase its rich history. The surrounding grounds are lovely for a walk, and the quiet atmosphere adds to its charm. It also houses Scotland’s second oldest tree named ‘Dryburgh Abbey Yew’ planted in 1136. However, I felt that the experience could have been more engaging. While there are some informative signs around the site, I would have appreciated more detailed explanations or interactive features to help bring the history to life. It's definitely worth a visit if you're in the area, but don't expect an in-depth, immersive experience.
David Maloney

Lovely visit to see family stones.
Steve Ralph

An interesting Abbey with quite a few features still in place. A small charge to go in and worth it.
Elizabeth R Parkin

Interesting ruins, but the variety, age and splendour of the trees and the grounds in general was amazing.
Chris Hoult

The most beautiful and peaceful of all the border abbeys. Lovely helpful staff. Great place to picnic on a nice day too.
Liz Stacey

An interesting and atmospheric ruin with lots of lovely trees and the grave of Sir Walter Scott. Interesting to think that those with the right connections could once choose to make such an addition to an ancient monument! English heritage members can get in for free and there's a nice side trip to the Temple of the Muses and suspension bridge only a few minutes walk away . Toilets close by and hot drinks available in the shop.
mark lyden

Phil Bassett

Very interesting. My favourite of the four border abbeys. Lots to explore and a beautiful setting
nigel talman

In my opinion the most beautiful of the Border Abbeys. Very atmospheric in a wonderful peaceful location
Elaine Rawson

Such a tranquil location. A place to relax and meditate whilst walking the foot print of the once magnificent abbey. Those monks sure knew how to pick the best spots in nature.
Dawn Edwards

What a beautiful peaceful place, well worth a visit! We loved it.
Dave Beggs

Great place to visit. Free parking close by. The Abbey is worth a visit in itself. Loads of interesting info, lots to see and steeped in history. The surrounding grounds are beautiful. Worth taking the map of trees so you can learn about them, some amazing trees on show.
Cliff Cairns

I was quite surprised that there was as much of it left standing, it must have been a magnificent building in its day, I wish I could have seen it.
C H (CH)

Don't let this trick you now, there is a lot to see here. However if you bring children with you, best to hold their hand as they might wander. They are some spots not safe for them to go alone too.
Les Kirkaldy

A really lovely place to visit
Enrico Claus

Rovine di un monastero e alberi centenari, molto bello.


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